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Revolutions and Resolutions

Revolutions and Resolutions

I love how my dear and inspiring friend and teacher, Rev. Maxine Kaye, speaks of New Year's "Revolutions"—"turning every negative belief on its head, each limiting idea into one of expansion, and all undesirable feelings into healthy, constructive ideals to focus on in the coming year."

That's the essence of this image I've made for this New Year's reflection. It was originally an icicle hanging upside down, and it looked to me like a dragon, so that's what it became.

And that's what I'd like this new year to be about: new perspectives, new possibilities for what is good for me, for others and the planet. I want to be aware, to stay as much as possible in the present moment, and be fully conscious of my thoughts, knowing they create my reality. I love how Byron Katie, creator of The Work, says, "When you argue with Reality, you lose, but only 100% of the time."

We can also have resolutions. Mine would be to continue my quest to accept everything just as it is, saying Yes to whatever comes to me, as gracefully and willingly as I can.

Here is a six minute New Year's Greeting from Dr. Vandana Shiva in which she likens us to seeds of hope. I would add that we are also seeds of change. As seeds we need to sprout and grow, nourishing ourselves, our families and friends, our communities, and our planet.

Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!

A New Year's message


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