Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Meade
Joining with others to achieve the great possibility of America is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on. Jim Hightower
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do little. Edmund Burke

Hot Topics ~ Call to Action
This page is a call to action. These are dangerous times. Our new president expresses and represents hatred, xenophobia, racism, sexism, disrespect for people and the planet. If we are to stand up for the values of generosity, peace, kindness, respect, equality, fairness and compassion, we must not sit by and watch what happens. We must be informed, aware and ready to take nonviolent action to defend "liberty and justice for all."
Sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option. We all must commit to DOING what we can. One 78 year old friend has committed to one call a day, and to one act of kindness a day. Another friend gathers articles, news of events and what organizations are doing to send out regular emails to his large mailing list. He says he has found a great niche for himself because he can do this in his pajamas!
One size of engagement and support of democracy does not fit all. Find what calls to you. There is no end of things you can do. Do what you can do. Below you will find all kinds of ideas to inspire and energize you.
If you feel somewhat or a lot hopeless or helpless or despairing, these are the articles you need to read to fuel your positive spirits.
"15 Principles of Hope"
"Self Care for the Long Haul"
Lots of Simple Ideas to Guide Our Actions to Make a Difference:
Big Protests Are Fine. But Here's a To-Do List For Lasting Change
20 Ways to Take a Bigger, Louder Stand in the Post-election World
Standing Up For What Matters, by Jack Kornfield.
12 Ways of Resistance, Robert Reich
17 Ways You Can Work for Social Justice
Backstory: On December 12, 2015, 195 nations came together in an "historical world event" to agree to cut carbon emissions and greenhouse gases to limit global warming and climate change. For some time President Donald Trump has said climate change is a hoax concocted by the Chinese and yet China has developed serious programs to curb emissions and develop clean energy technology. They are becoming world leaders of the fight to reverse climate change. Now the President asserts climate change is real, but not caused by human activity. No matter his statements, President Trump has assembled a group of corporate and political leaders who doubt or deny climate change and continually gut environmental protection policies.
Current Situation: In early October the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) delivered a subsequent report. It was written by 91 scientists from 40 countries. The Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 agreed to a goal of limiting increase in global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees F). Because of growing evidence this report concludes that a lower threshold of 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) is essential to avert major crises around the world.
According to the report climate change is occurring earlier and more rapidly than expected. Even at the current level of 1C (1.8F) warming, it is painful. This report is critical for us to come to terms with. There is a growing recognition that 2C is dangerous.
"A line in the sand" is how a member of the IPCC describes our present Earth situation as the lines of global temperatures and CO2 emissions are headed skyward and need to be directed down immediately.
"It's a line in the sand and what it says to our species is that this is the moment and we must act now. This is the largest clarion bell from the science community and I hope it mobilizes people and dents the mood of complacency."
Climate Change is a security Issue
If we broaden our idea of "national security" from military threat to include water and food shortages, power outages, infrastructure and property damage, humanitarian crises, refugee migration, limited transportation, we get a sobering picture of what security means. The IPCC report concludes that we need the same World War II-level effort to transition from fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. And yes, rationing of consumption and production are part of that scenario.
There's one key takeaway from the IPCC report: Cut carbon pollution as much as possible, as fast as possible. The faster we cut emissions the less severe the impact we'll face. See the interactive site below that explains what happens when temperatures rise above 1.5C in terms of crops, rainfall, ice, oceans, temperatures, nature and the economy. We are now 1C (1.8 F) above preindustrial levels. We have the technology and the know-how; do we have the political will?
It Makes Good Economic Sense to Draw Down CO2
In articles below you will read that hitting the toughest climate target will save the world $30tn in damages, and that the world economy can reap $26tn in a decade by effectively addressing climate change.
"According to a major report from international experts fighting climate change could generate more than 65 million new low-carbon jobs, avoid more than 700,000 premature deaths from air pollution and add $26 trillion to the global economy all by 2030."
Below are articles, guides, videos and ideas to help us play our unique part in reversing global warming
At drawdown.org you will find 100 solutions that we already employ to address climate disruption. Project Drawdown is the work of over 70 professionals, researchers and scientists from 22 countries. The website an online version of the book and incredibly accessible. The video presentation of the project by Paul Hawken is well worth the hour. Hawken has a refreshing holistic approach to the issue of climate change. He addresses the science, our fears, our possibilities. In all realms of human activity—energy, food, women and girls, buildings, land use, transport, materials, etc, Drawdown meticulously examines the things that are being done now and what can be done to draw down CO2 emissions and reverse global warming. Whatever piques your interest, it's all there. He puts the challenge before us: "Game on or game over."
If we consider that global warming is happening for us instead of to us—that is, an atmospheric transformation that inspires us to change and reimagine everything we make and do—we begin to live in a different world. We take 100% responsibility and stop blaming others. We see global warming not as an inevitability but as an invitation to build, innovate, and effect change, a pathway that awakens creativity, compassion, and genius. This is not a liberal agenda, nor is it a conservative one. This is the human agenda. Paul Hawken
Beyond the personal
To all the above ideas and actions we must do personally we need to lobby for policy changes on a local, state and national level. One thing this means is pressuring legislators to end subsidies for high carbon-producing industries like beef, fossil fuels and agriculture. while working for clean energy, clean water, clean air and healthy soil.
We can address climate change in many ways and from many angles.
Fighting climate change is about much more than emissions and scientific metrics—it's about fighting for a just and sustainable world that works for all of us.
Project Drawdown
A video presentation of Project Drawdown by Paul Hawken
Pie chart showing how different solutions contribute to reducing CO2 emissions
IPCC Summary Report
Interactive Site showing what happens at 1.5C, 2C and beyond.
The Main Points to Take In
"The UN warns we have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe."
"Military experts say climate change poses significant risk to security."
"There's one key takeaway from the IPCC Report."
The Economy and Climate Change
"Hitting toughest climate target will save the world $30tn in damages."
"World economy can reap $226tn in a decade fighting climate change."
We the People and Climate Change
"What You Can Do About Clmate Change."
"3 Things You Can Do To Help Avoid Climate Disaster."
"How to Get Carbon-Free in 10 Years."
"What We Eat is Crucial to the Climate Change Question."
The Bigger Picture
"100 Companies Who Are Responsible for 71% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions."
A Big Picture of Movements and How They Relate to Clmate Change.
Sustainable Investing
A Guide to Sustainable Investing
There are many organizations devoted to protecting and supporting life on Earth. The two most active and effective about climate change are listed below. They keep a close and careful watch on this issue. I encourage you to connect with their newsletters and ebullitions. They have a wealth of information and ideas about what we can do to do our part in reversing global warming and effectively addressing climate change. Their communications are useful and to the point.
The Climate Reality Project
Let's keep on leading.
Sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option. We all must commit to DOING what we can. One 78 year old friend has committed to one call a day, and to one act of kindness a day. Another friend gathers articles, news of events and what organizations are doing to send out regular emails to his large mailing list. He says he has found a great niche for himself because he can do this in his pajamas!
One size of engagement and support of democracy does not fit all. Find what calls to you. There is no end of things you can do. Do what you can do. Below you will find all kinds of ideas to inspire and energize you.
If you feel somewhat or a lot hopeless or helpless or despairing, these are the articles you need to read to fuel your positive spirits.
"15 Principles of Hope"
"Self Care for the Long Haul"
Lots of Simple Ideas to Guide Our Actions to Make a Difference:
Big Protests Are Fine. But Here's a To-Do List For Lasting Change
20 Ways to Take a Bigger, Louder Stand in the Post-election World
Standing Up For What Matters, by Jack Kornfield.
12 Ways of Resistance, Robert Reich
17 Ways You Can Work for Social Justice
Backstory: On December 12, 2015, 195 nations came together in an "historical world event" to agree to cut carbon emissions and greenhouse gases to limit global warming and climate change. For some time President Donald Trump has said climate change is a hoax concocted by the Chinese and yet China has developed serious programs to curb emissions and develop clean energy technology. They are becoming world leaders of the fight to reverse climate change. Now the President asserts climate change is real, but not caused by human activity. No matter his statements, President Trump has assembled a group of corporate and political leaders who doubt or deny climate change and continually gut environmental protection policies.
Current Situation: In early October the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) delivered a subsequent report. It was written by 91 scientists from 40 countries. The Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 agreed to a goal of limiting increase in global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees F). Because of growing evidence this report concludes that a lower threshold of 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) is essential to avert major crises around the world.
According to the report climate change is occurring earlier and more rapidly than expected. Even at the current level of 1C (1.8F) warming, it is painful. This report is critical for us to come to terms with. There is a growing recognition that 2C is dangerous.
"A line in the sand" is how a member of the IPCC describes our present Earth situation as the lines of global temperatures and CO2 emissions are headed skyward and need to be directed down immediately.
"It's a line in the sand and what it says to our species is that this is the moment and we must act now. This is the largest clarion bell from the science community and I hope it mobilizes people and dents the mood of complacency."
Climate Change is a security Issue
If we broaden our idea of "national security" from military threat to include water and food shortages, power outages, infrastructure and property damage, humanitarian crises, refugee migration, limited transportation, we get a sobering picture of what security means. The IPCC report concludes that we need the same World War II-level effort to transition from fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. And yes, rationing of consumption and production are part of that scenario.
There's one key takeaway from the IPCC report: Cut carbon pollution as much as possible, as fast as possible. The faster we cut emissions the less severe the impact we'll face. See the interactive site below that explains what happens when temperatures rise above 1.5C in terms of crops, rainfall, ice, oceans, temperatures, nature and the economy. We are now 1C (1.8 F) above preindustrial levels. We have the technology and the know-how; do we have the political will?
It Makes Good Economic Sense to Draw Down CO2
In articles below you will read that hitting the toughest climate target will save the world $30tn in damages, and that the world economy can reap $26tn in a decade by effectively addressing climate change.
"According to a major report from international experts fighting climate change could generate more than 65 million new low-carbon jobs, avoid more than 700,000 premature deaths from air pollution and add $26 trillion to the global economy all by 2030."
Below are articles, guides, videos and ideas to help us play our unique part in reversing global warming
At drawdown.org you will find 100 solutions that we already employ to address climate disruption. Project Drawdown is the work of over 70 professionals, researchers and scientists from 22 countries. The website an online version of the book and incredibly accessible. The video presentation of the project by Paul Hawken is well worth the hour. Hawken has a refreshing holistic approach to the issue of climate change. He addresses the science, our fears, our possibilities. In all realms of human activity—energy, food, women and girls, buildings, land use, transport, materials, etc, Drawdown meticulously examines the things that are being done now and what can be done to draw down CO2 emissions and reverse global warming. Whatever piques your interest, it's all there. He puts the challenge before us: "Game on or game over."
If we consider that global warming is happening for us instead of to us—that is, an atmospheric transformation that inspires us to change and reimagine everything we make and do—we begin to live in a different world. We take 100% responsibility and stop blaming others. We see global warming not as an inevitability but as an invitation to build, innovate, and effect change, a pathway that awakens creativity, compassion, and genius. This is not a liberal agenda, nor is it a conservative one. This is the human agenda. Paul Hawken
Beyond the personal
To all the above ideas and actions we must do personally we need to lobby for policy changes on a local, state and national level. One thing this means is pressuring legislators to end subsidies for high carbon-producing industries like beef, fossil fuels and agriculture. while working for clean energy, clean water, clean air and healthy soil.
We can address climate change in many ways and from many angles.
Fighting climate change is about much more than emissions and scientific metrics—it's about fighting for a just and sustainable world that works for all of us.
Project Drawdown
A video presentation of Project Drawdown by Paul Hawken
Pie chart showing how different solutions contribute to reducing CO2 emissions
IPCC Summary Report
Interactive Site showing what happens at 1.5C, 2C and beyond.
The Main Points to Take In
"The UN warns we have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe."
"Military experts say climate change poses significant risk to security."
"There's one key takeaway from the IPCC Report."
The Economy and Climate Change
"Hitting toughest climate target will save the world $30tn in damages."
"World economy can reap $226tn in a decade fighting climate change."
We the People and Climate Change
"What You Can Do About Clmate Change."
"3 Things You Can Do To Help Avoid Climate Disaster."
"How to Get Carbon-Free in 10 Years."
"What We Eat is Crucial to the Climate Change Question."
The Bigger Picture
"100 Companies Who Are Responsible for 71% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions."
A Big Picture of Movements and How They Relate to Clmate Change.
Sustainable Investing
A Guide to Sustainable Investing
There are many organizations devoted to protecting and supporting life on Earth. The two most active and effective about climate change are listed below. They keep a close and careful watch on this issue. I encourage you to connect with their newsletters and ebullitions. They have a wealth of information and ideas about what we can do to do our part in reversing global warming and effectively addressing climate change. Their communications are useful and to the point.
The Climate Reality Project
Let's keep on leading.