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Begin your year with music, song and poetry. Start by watching the Playing for Change Foundation’s presentation of “Imagine,” by John Lennon.

Singers and musicians from all over the world collaborate virtually to bring us this iconic and magical song.Watch it here.

To bring an end to 2020, and the beginning of 2021, read this sonnet by our dear friend, and the woman who married Clifford and me in 1992, Rev. Dr. Maxine Kaye. She leads the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living.

2020 Vision, by Rev. Dr. Maxine Kaye

If all this year has hastened our resolve
To live in harmony and gentleness
Then every step we’ve taken to evolve
Has brought us near a world of happiness.

Our patience and our faith have been immense
As we stood tall and faced unfounded hate
The fruit of love has been the consequence
For people of the Light to celebrate.

Until compassion’s work becomes complete
And goodness is our normal way to be
Each one of us must honorably greet
Each inner angel ready to be free.

With 2020 Vision, now we see
The year to come is up to you and me.

For me, these inner angels are the messages and acts of kindness, empathy, humility, compassion, hope, peace and love. I also firmly believe these angels wholeheartedly support our righteous anger at those who do harm to the planet, to any living being, or to institutions that serve the common good. (Examples are too numerous to mention.) The angels would support our anger at injustice or destruction of any kind, so long as the anger doesn’t fuel more injustice, violence, abuse, disrespect, or hatred. Our anger must be used to promote the opposite. (I decided not to print what violent acts I have wanted to do of late!) Instead, our outrage must carry those angels of goodness forward.

As we focus on the new year ahead and work to build a true democracy, a country of equal justice for all, and a healthy planet, let us go forward with determination, hope, solidarity and understanding for all.

Playing for Change, “Imagine,” by John Lennon.


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